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Most useful Godot Nodes for 3D projects

Posted on:August 10, 2024 at 03:45 PM

3D Essential Nodes

Node TypeDescription
Node3DThe base node for all 3D nodes. Used for positioning and transforming 3D objects.
MeshInstance3DDisplays a 3D mesh.
Camera3DControls the viewport and what is seen in the 3D scene.
Area3DUsed for detecting collisions or overlaps with other Area3D nodes.
CollisionShape3DDefines the shape of a RigidBody3D or Area3D node for collision detection.
RigidBody3DUsed for 3D physics-based movement and collision detection.

3D Lighting Nodes

Node TypeDescription
DirectionalLight3DProvides directional lighting in the 3D scene (like the sun).
OmniLight3DProvides omnidirectional lighting in the 3D scene (like a lightbulb).
SpotLight3DProvides spotlight lighting in the 3D scene (like a flashlight).

3D Audio Node

Node TypeDescription
AudioStreamPlayer3DPlays 3D audio, with spatial effects based on its position relative to the camera.

Other Essential Nodes (Useful for Both 2D and 3D)

Node TypeDescription
TimerUsed for timing events and actions.
TweenUsed for smoothly animating properties of nodes.

2D UI Nodes

Node TypeDescription
ControlThe base node for all UI elements.
LabelDisplays text.
ButtonA clickable button.
TextureButtonA button with a texture.
TextureRectDisplays a 2D image.
NinePatchRectDisplays a stretchable 2D image.
LineEditA single-line text input field.
TextEditA multi-line text input field.
ProgressBarDisplays a progress bar.
CheckBoxA checkable box.
OptionButtonA drop-down list.
PopupMenuA context menu.
ColorPickerA color picker.
SpinBoxA number input field with up/down arrows.
HScrollBarA horizontal scroll bar.
VScrollBarA vertical scroll bar.
HSliderA horizontal slider.
VSliderA vertical slider.
ContainerA node that can contain other UI elements.
PanelContainerA container with a background.
ScrollContainerA container with scrollable content.
TabContainerA container with tabs.
VBoxContainerA container that arranges its children vertically.
HBoxContainerA container that arranges its children horizontally.
GridContainerA container that arranges its children in a grid.
MarginContainerA container that adds margins to its child.
CenterContainerA container that centers its child.

Other useful ones

Here are also some additional node types that can be very useful for various tasks in Godot, especially for 3D games:

Animation and Cinematics



Other Helpful Nodes

2D Extras (Potentially Useful for UI/HUD Overlays in 3D Games)